Red Door Sioux Falls | Real God. Messy people. Changed lives.

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We are ONE church with Multiple Expressions

We are ONE church with Multiple Expressions

Church can be a lot like ice cream flavors, each are unique, diverse and influenced by those they attract.

So many of the arguments we have about the right way to do church aren’t about the church at all. They’re about the flavoring we add to it. One prefers liturgy, another wants a rock band, while someone else prefers a charismatic flavor. Some add a kick of spice, a touch of soul, or they experiment with fresh, new ingredients.

So often, when we think we’re taking a stand on an expression, we’re doing little more than squabbling over the flavor.

The church has many expressions and each one brings something beautiful to the table.

Galatians 2:7-10 "On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised,[a] just as Peter had been to the circumcised.[b] 8 For God, who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles. 9 James, Cephas[c] and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. 10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along."

  • Peter, John, and Jesus’ half-brother James stayed in Jerusalem to lead churches mainly made up of Jewish Christians. They sang songs, used language, and ate food that fit their culture while remaining true to the gospel.

  • Paul and Barnabas hit the road to plant churches among Gentiles and those churches had different songs, different language, and different food that fit non-Jewish cultures while remaining true to the gospel.

The bottom line? The message is what really matters, and the style is not a big deal. Too often, Christians fight over style, which is really just various kinds of wrapping paper on the same gift of grace through Jesus Christ.


Every community needs a time and place to come together. This is especially true during these challenging times. What better way to do this than with warm food around tables in friendship, laughter and connectedness? Imagine, church around a table! Red Door wants to invite our neighbors – of all ages, ethnicities, and lifestyles – to our table. This is a chance to gather in community with the rich mosaic-like diversity that Sioux Falls is known for. The table gathering is a unique way to use a meal to engage those in our community who are unreached, exiled and disconnected. 

At the table gathering we share a bountiful meal together. Everyone is welcome. No one is excluded. We will take time to know and hear from one another. The meal will lead us into a time to hear a bible story. The story allows for conversations and discussion around the table. This gives space for doubts, questions and revelations. We end our time with prayer and ministry for anyone in need. We have two designs for the table gathering.  First, we want to build friendships around a table with warm food and laughter.  Second, we take time to encourage and equip the soul by retelling a story of Jesus and offering prayer and ministry for those who need it.

The table is a visual representation of a Christ’s invitation to belong. 

We see the church as the family of God.  A family we belong to. Despite our differences, background or past when we belong to Christ we are now family.

Red Door wants to become a church family that reaches and connects with the churchless, providing a place of refuge and opportunities to know, belong, grow and love Jesus.

Sunday Breakfast Gathering



You’re invited to have a seat, pass the quiche, and enjoy some good conversation and friends. Red Door’s Breakfast Church includes eating together as a central element, alongside a short bible message that is relevant and interactive. Kids will enjoy breakfast and then breakout for activities and story time. Every gathering ends with a time of singing and ministry. Worshiping around tables nurtures a deeper sense of community.

See this map in the original post

Monday Dinner Gathering


AT 1915 E EIGHTH S. Sioux falls

You’re invited to have a seat, pass the food, and enjoy some good conversation and friends. Red Door’s Dinner gathering includes eating together as a central element, alongside a short bible message that is relevant and interactive. Kids will enjoy dinner and then breakout for activities and story time. Every gathering ends with a time of singing and ministry. Worshiping around tables nurtures a deeper sense of community.

See this map in the original post