Red Door Sioux Falls | Real God. Messy people. Changed lives.

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We get to BE the church!

I wanted to share some quick updates for this weekends new location and gathering.

Sunday November 8th we will now gather at 9:30am at 701 E 8th street at Women’s Shelter UGM.

This is exciting for us because “WE the church are taking the church Jesus loves closer to where people Jesus loves actually are” We get to BE the church!

I understand this shift may be new, different and awkward at times, but as the church we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Sunday will look and feel a bit different. We will be gathering in a 100+ year old building. The space doesn’t look like a church but rather looks more like a coffee shop cafe. Serving will be shared and our gathering time together will still have worship and a message but we want to create an atmosphere of love and encouragement. We will also be inviting 40+ women and children living in the women’s shelter to join our family on Sunday’s.

I want to encourage you to see church not as an event or service you attend but a rather family gathering where you come together to encourage, share, serve and build one another up. We have an opportunity to start something new and reach people during a desperate time in culture.

If you find time this week Read Acts 2.

Over the next 3-4 weeks we will be adjusting and figuring out things. So be patient, and grace filled while we all learn how to navigate a new building and flow.

Be committed to attending every week, jumping in and serving, and encouraging!

Sunday gathering will look like this:

  • - 9:00am Setup

  • - 9:30am Welcome, coffee + conversation (we are waiting on doing breakfast food while we adjust new space)

  • - 9:45am Prayer, 2 Worship songs

  • - 10:00am Dismiss kids for kids story & craft time.

  • - 10:00am Message (Live video will be on Facebook for those attending online)

  • - 10:20am Open Ministry time (allow for prayer request, stories, testimonies, words of encouragement)

  • - 10:30am Close

If you would like to help start coffee, setup tables and chairs please arrive at 9am.

*With Covid cases increasing and the space we are meeting in is smaller, we want to encourage you to wear a mask if you're comfortable with when entering and passing through crowds. We will create space for people to socially distance during our gathering.

For parking and location map:

God bless you and your family. We are blessed and encouraged to have you part of our family!