spiritual RHYTHMS
We want to be a church not just on Sunday! We are a church that together is learning to follow Jesus. That’s it. But that’s an entire life’s pursuit. It is not just an event on a Sunday, but a “way” of life in community around the teachings of Jesus. To live this way means we need to be transformed, from the inside out.
To achieve this we believe as a community we have to develop new rhythms.
Know Jesus
We live in a knowledge centered society. Knowing Jesus is not about information but relational. Jesus pursued and rescued us from sin. He invites us into a relationship where we no longer have to achieve or earn his love. We are new beings because of his grace. This is foundation for everything.
Be with Jesus
We must invite Jesus into every moment as we are at home and with Jesus, at work and with Jesus, on your commute and with Jesus. We encourage daily time of prayer, mediation and scripture reading.
Become like Jesus
To become like Jesus we have to be intentional. Allow yourself to be transformed, from the inside out, as you work to become like Jesus. This happens with community, serving and repentance.
Do what Jesus did
We are called to not only follow Jesus in spirit but we are called to continue his work on earth as it is in heaven. This means healing the sick, praying for the lost, opening up our homes and our lives to those far from God. We gather weekly at the table to break bread and minister. Learn More
monthly RHYTHMS
Red Door gathers weekly around a table for a meal, conversation and a message. The table is a visual representation of a Christ’s invitation to belong. We see the church as the family of God. A family we belong to. Despite our differences, background or past when we belong to Christ we are now family. Red Door wants to become a church family that reaches and connects with the churchless, providing a place of refuge and opportunities to know, belong, grow and love Jesus.
2 Table Gatherings - Sunday 11am & Monday 5:30pm
Along with gathering we practice monthly Sabbath. The 1st Sunday of each month we don’t gather together. We encourage the church to stay home/ relax, spend the weekend camping, invite a neighbor over, or read a book! This practice teaches us to slow down and enjoy life! We provide a short bible message online. We gather the remaining 3 Weeks. On the 5th Sunday weeks we gather to serve. We identify opportunities in our community where we can BE the church. We gather for 30 minutes at the church building then head off to serve!