Past messages
Faithful - Series in Daniel
We live in a world gone haywire. Our moral fabric seems to be decaying at breakneck speed. Things that were once shamefully hidden are now publicly celebrated.The previously unimaginable has become commonplace. The book of Daniel offers us a model for not only surviving but actually thriving in the midst of a godless culture. Daniel was a man of great hope, humility, and wisdom.
Week 1 - Daniel 1:1-8 Attack on my Identity Watch
Week 2 - Daniel 1:8-21 Living from Conviction (June 16)
The Table - Radically Ordinary Hospitality
The table is a very ordinary place. So routine and every day it is easily overlooked as a place of life-changing community. By setting a table and sharing a meal, we provide the context for which people feel loved, where people feel heard; a place where God’s spirit can move
Week 1 - Heritage of Hospitality Watch
Week 2 - The Altar and The Table Watch
Week 3 - Church around a Table Watch
Week 4 - Hospitality Hurdles Watch
Pastor Zach talks about our BIG 3 for 2019. We want every person to BE with Jesus, BECOME like Jesus and BRING people to Jesus. We want to be intentional and consistent in becoming disciples of Jesu as well as making disciples of Jesus. Each week we will give practical ways to grow and reach those around us.
Week 1 - Be with Jesus Watch
Week 2 - Become like Jesus Watch
Week 3 - Bring people to Jesus Watch
Heaven + Hell
What happens when we die? Is Hell real? What will Heaven be like? We’ve been asking these questions since we were young, and it hasn’t gotten any easier. The bottom line is we have to deal with it in one way or another. Pastor Zach teaches through what the Bible says about Heaven and Hell.
Week 1 - Is Hell Real? Watch
Week 3 - What will Heaven be like? Watch
Week 4 - Your purpose matters for eternity Watch
Week 5 - FAQ Watch
Life in HD | Philippians
Though we all have much to be thankful for, the pace and the pressure of life often squeeze the joy from us. Desperate, we often search for joy in all kinds of ways—acquiring possessions, visiting places, or seeing people. But none of these can provide lasting joy. Paul knew, as did the Philippians, that true joy comes only through humble faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ, joining ourselves in harmony with His followers, and serving others in the name of Christ. This was the life experienced by the Philippian believers, and it is a life available to us today.
Week 1 - Philippians 1:1-2 “Servant + Saint” Watch
Week 2 - Philippians 1:3-11 “Partnership” Watch
Week 3 - Philippians 1:12-19 “Joyful Suffering” Watch
Week 4 - Philippians 1:20-26 “Not our own” Watch
Week 5 - Philippians 1:27-30 “Conducting ourselves” Watch
Week 7 - Philippians 2:12-30 “Living it out” Watch
Remaking Jesus
How often do you hear someone say, “the Jesus I know . . . ” You’ve probably said it yourself. I’ve said it. But here’s the problem. There isn’t the “Jesus I know” and the “Jesus you know.” There is only one Christ. Many times the “Jesus” we worship and serve is really just a reflection of ourselves.
Week 1 - Personalized Jesus Watch
Week 2 - Cheerleader Jesus Watch
Week 3 - Genie Jesus Watch
Week 4 - Political Jesus Watch
Week 5 - Chill out Jesus Watch
The Elephant in the church
The Elephant in the Church is a new series at Red Door where we are going to peel back the christian cultural issues that plague the American church and the false expectations that surround it. We will look at topics like...."Church Shopping", "The Best show in Town", "A place to be fed", "Bigger is Better", "The church is _____"
Week 1 - The church is _____ Watch
Week 2 - What can the church do for me? Watch
Week 3 - Stop attending church Watch
Week 4 - A church on mission together Watch
Week 5 - Engage the least of these Watch
Week 6 - Who am I becoming? Watch